In a very shocking incident from Uttar Pradesh, a husband and wife were murdered by their own daughter along with her lover, who was adopted by the couple 24 years ago. Property is said to be the reason behind the murder. It’s been said that the couple wanted to give some part of their property to their daughter-in-law due to which the daughter was angry and she killed them.
Akansha (their daughter) has been taken into custody by the Barra police of Kanpur for the murder of her parents. The deceased Munnalal had no daughter, so he had adopted Akansha from his relative Chhotelal 24 years ago. Everything was going well. In the meantime, Anup, son of the deceased Munnalal, and his wife Sonika had a quarrel.
Sonika filed a dowry case against her husband and in-laws. Sonika’s family demanded Rs 50 lakh, while Munnalal was about to compromise by giving cash only to an extent.
Akansha wanted all this wealth herself so that she could live comfortably with her lover. So, she along with her boyfriend Rohit conspired to kill her parents.
Police have now arrested both the accused.