In a shocking turn of events in Assam’s Jorhat district, a 72-year-old man tragically ended his own life due to a video of his that showed him in a compromising position with a college girl. The video, allegedly recorded without his knowledge, was later uploaded to a popular porn website, causing immense embarrassment for the deceased and his family.
According to reports, the college girl involved in the incident has been identified as Darshana Bharali. It is alleged that she had planned and honey-trapped the elderly man. After engaging in a sexual relationship, the girl secretly recorded the act using her mobile phone and then she uploaded the video to a popular pornographic website, which quickly spread throughout the Jorhat district, causing immense shame and humiliation for the deceased and his family.
Upon discovering the tragic outcome, the family of the deceased has demanded swift and severe action against the alleged perpetrator. They are seeking justice and an end to the exploitation that has shattered their lives. It has also come to light that the accused girl Darshana Bharali has reportedly trapped several men in similar circumstances in the past, uploading their private videos to pornographic websites without their consent.
The police have arrested the accused girl and are carrying on further investigations in the matter.