In a shocking incident from Thane, Maharashtra, a 30-year-old woman named Bhavika Bhoir along with four other people allegedly looted her boyfriend of lakhs of rupees and assaulting him badly, dumping him on the Shahapur highway naked.
The five persons have been booked in the matter under IPC sections 365 (kidnapping or abduction with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine a person), 506 (criminal intimidation) along with sections of the Prevention of Atrocities Act.
Two of the five accused have been identified as Bhavika Bhoir and Nadim Khan. According to the police, the victim, Balaji Shivbhagat, a resident of Shahapur has a construction business & has been in a relationship with Bhoir, for the past few years.
“On June 28, Bhoir called Shivbhagat at a location on Atgaon highway in Shahapur around 4.30pm. However, while the couple was talking, four of Bhoir’s associates appeared from nowhere and assaulted him till the next morning and dumped him on Shahapur highway without clothes in the early hours of the next morning,” a police officer said.
Shivbhagat, who was hospitalised for two days and is still recovering from the trauma, said, “I did everything for her, built a small house as per her wish, shopped for her all the time. Her wish was my command. She betrayed me for another man and brutally assaulted me.”
Bhavika asked him to meet her with gifts which included a sari, gold earrings, gold anklets and bangles, new monsoon shoes and an umbrella.
“When I reached the spot with all these gifts, she sat inside my Creta car at Atgaon highway and took all the gifts. Suddenly four unknown men entered the car, pushed me aside, and attacked my head with a chopper. One of them started driving the car,” Shivbhagat said.
The accused took Shivbhagat inside a closed unknown restaurant and assaulted him repeatedly till the morning.
Rajkumar Upase, senior inspector, Shahapur police station, said. “In his statement, the victim said that the accused clicked his video after his clothes were removed. They took away his two gold chains, seven finger rings, threw chilli powder in his eyes and fled around 5am.”
The victim then somehow reached the police station and called his friends for help who admitted him to the hospital.