On Wednesday, late Bollywood actress Jiah Khanโs mother, Rabia Khan revealed se new details to special CBI court based in Mumbai. She said that her daughter had accused her then-boyfriend, Sooraj Pancholi of physically and verbally abusing her.
Allegedly, this incident had happened nearly four months before the actressโ suicide in June 2013.
Sharing the details, she said ” On 2012 Dec she was supposed to come and celebrate Christmas with us in London. On Dec 24, when Jia did not come then I received a text message from Sooraj Pancholi and I was shocked to read the message which said something to the effect of โI am sorry for losing out on Jia. I was drunk and I was angry. I had a fight with a friend. It all came out on her. Give me a chance, it will never happen again. I love Jia and I love you more than my mother’.”
She continued, “That is when I first discovered that they had a violent fight. Maybe this was their first fight. When I spoke to Jia she said that ‘I was going to leave him but that entire night he sat at my feet and cried so much that his entire face was swollen’.”
“She said ‘mummy he abuses me verbally and physically and calls me dirty names and one day he threw me out of the car’. We were all very shocked and we hugged her and we told her ‘Baby, you are not going back to India’. I insisted that she should not attend to his calls and messages.โ
The court decided to conduct a further deposition of Rabia Khan on Thursday. Advocate Prashant Patil appearing for Sooraj Pancholi sought a few days after Khanโs deposition for taking instructions and preparing his questions for the cross-examination.