In a shocking incident, awoman from Maharashtra’s Nashik city has been arrested on the charge of killing her 3-month-old daughter. The reason behind this heinous crime is that she did not like others talking about the child’s resemblance to her husband, an official said on Wednesday.
Initially, the mother, a resident of Gangapur Shivar area, claimed that a woman entered their home on Monday evening, made her unconscious using some chemical and slit her daughter’s throat.
However, CCTV footage and other circumstantial evidence did not support her claim that another woman had killed the baby. Police found contradictions in the woman’s and her relatives’ statements.
The police then decided to question the woman who then confessed to killing the child, said the official. She told the police that she was upset as her in-laws often discussed that the baby looked like her husband, said the official.
Further investigations in this case are on.