In 2018, a fake rape complaint filed by a girl in Mumbai led to the arrest of her brother. The woman’s brother, who remained in jail for two years, walked out after a special court in Dindoshi, cleared all charges against him. Reportedly, the girl had decided to frame her brother after he scolded and assaulted her for meeting with her boyfriend.
The court passed the 24-year-old man’s release order in August 2021, and acquitted him of rape. The court also lifted the charges levelled against the man under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
The girl had claimed that she was raped by her brother when their parents were not at home and an FIR was lodged.
During the trial of the case, the court heard the deposition of the two witnesses, including the complainant and the investigating officer of the case. In her statement, the girl revealed that she had lodged the false complaint against her brother as he had chided her for going out with her boyfriend.
The court also observed that the testimony of the girl is laced with contradictions and omissions.