In a shocking incident from Karnataka, a man committed suicide after being booked in a false Dalit atrocity case. The man, identified as Suresh Poojari, was found dead on February 9.
According to reports, Suresh Poojari had been facing legal troubles for the past six months after the case was registered against him. Despite multiple attempts to seek bail from the lower court and high court, finally, the supreme court granted him bail. The false case took a toll on Suresh Poojariโs life and career as he was suspended from his job for the last six months.
According to some close sources of Suresh’s family, the false accusations had taken a severe toll on his mental health and well-being. Despite repeated attempts to clear his name and prove his innocence, the man was unable to overcome the stigma attached to the case and ultimately took the drastic step of ending his life.
Suresh survived by his wife and two sons. The local authorities have promised a thorough investigation into the matter, as the family of the deceased is demanding justice.