The Madhya Pradesh High Court recently directed the S.P. of Sehore district to conduct a proper enquiry against a complainant, who allegedly filed a false rape case.
The Bench of Justice Sanjay Dwivedi said that such actions are nothing but a misuse of the provisions in law and the Court must teach a lesson to the persons like the complainant, Justice Sanjay Dwivedi ordered.
The Bench made these observations while dealing with a pre-arrest bail plea that the applicant filed.
Initially, the complainant had stated that the appellant committed rape on her and later changed her version in her statement filed u/s 161 and 164 of CrPC.
Later, when the applicant moved the lower court to get pre-arrest bail, the complainant stated she had no objection if bail is given to the accused.
The compliant later admitted that the accused had not raped her and she had alleged rape because the police told her to do so.
The Bench further clarified if a non-bailable offense is made out against the complainant then the police should proceed as per law.