The Guwahati police busted a fraudster racket in the Guwahati and has arrested three individuals where two men and one woman were nabbed for their alleged involvement in forgery. Police nabbed the robbers from Odalbakra area of Guwahati.
The arrested individuals are identified as Nikita Tiyari, Jyotishman Lahkar and Rajesh Mandal. While Nikita is a resident of Guwahatiโs Rehabari area, Jyotishman is a resident of Geetanagar and Rajesh hails from the state of Nagaland.
The accused girl Nikita has a connection with a mobile theft case which is registered in Paltan Bazar police station. The three accused have been fooling people in several areas of the state.
As per the latest reports, Nikita has been carrying out fraud activities in the region by impersonating herself as a real estate agent. Police has registered a case against all three accused and investigation is on regarding the matter.