In a shocking incident, a 38 years old man succumbed to burns as he had poured petrol and set himself ablaze. The incident occurred outside Jigani police station near Hebbagodi, Karnataka. The deceased, identified as Ratesh, attempted suicide on August 25 after a fight with his wife Kavitha.
The police managed to douse the fire and shifted him to the hospital. The victim had sustained over 80% burns.
The couple got married 10 years ago. For the last five years, they were going through a troubled relationship as they were having differences over trivial issues. On August 25, the victim is said to have fought with his wife. Frustrated over this, Kavitha called her father and went to the Jigani police station to file a complaint against her husband.
Ratesh followed his wife to the police station. After parking his bike in front of the police station, he poured petrol on himself and set himself ablaze. The victim hailed from Chikkamagaluru and was working with a private company in Jigani Industrial area.