Mumbai Police Commisioner Sanjay Pandey has instructed its officers that cases of molestation and crimes under the POSCO Act should be only be registered upon recommendation of ACP and the permission of the zonal DCP.
The order was issued by the Commisioner after taking into account the instances where false cases are are being registered due to personal rivalry/issues, money matters etc.
The order issued by the Commisioner on Monday said that in many such cases the accused is arrested immediately with the verification of facts and later the complaint is found to false.
“The accused person’s reputation gets tarnished for no reason even though he is eventually discharged. The avoid this the police officials have been instructed to register FIRs for molestation or any crime under the POSCO Act only after recommendation of the divisional assistant commissioner of police and the permission of the zonal deputy commissioner,” read the order issued by Commisioner.
The order also said that while giving the permission for FIRs in such cases, the DCP should follow the judgment of 2013 case, “Lalita Kumari Vs Govt. Of UP and others”.