A 20-year-old unmarried mother threw her baby from the washroom window of her apartment in Delhi on Monday (January 9, 2023). During the investigation, she told the cops that she “tried to get rid” of her baby fearing “social stigma”. The incident took place in Jai Ambey Apartments in Delhi’s New Ashok Nagar and the accused is working in the private sector in Noida.
The police said that they received information regarding a newly-born baby being fallen from a height. After that an ASI reached the spot and found that the infant was taken to Metro hospital in Noida by the public.
“ASI Yudhvir was sent to the Metro hospital where doctors declared the baby dead. The MLC of the boy was collected and the body was shifted to Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital Hospital in Delhi,” Delhi Police said.
The cops said that an inquiry was conducted and several houses were checked in the vicinity of the spot where the baby was found.
“A house was checked in the process where several blood traces were found in the dustbin. Residents of the house were interrogated and a girl broke down during the investigation and admitted to giving birth to the baby boy and throwing him from the window of the washroom,” police said.
The accused was taken to Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital for an internal medical examination. She revealed that she was unmarried and apprehending social stigma, she tried to get rid of the baby.
An FIR under Sections 302/201 of the Indian Penal Code has been registered in this regard.