The Yeshwanthpur police had arrested a 27-year-old woman on 29th April for allegedly murdering husband so that she could be with her lover. The accused, Dilli Rani, and her husband, Shankar Reddy who was an accountant with a private firm, hailed from Andhra Pradesh, lived in Yeshwanthpur with their seven year old son.
On Thursday i.e. 28th April, , their son, who had woken up in the middle of the night, saw his parents lying in a pool of blood. He ran to their landlordโs house nearby for help. Thereafter police were called in and the couple were taken to a private hospital where doctors declared Reddy as brought dead. Dilli Rani had sustained cuts on her hand. After she was treated, she told the police that an unidentified man entered the house and attacked them with a knife. She claimed that he took her gold chain before escaping.
According to the police, there was something amiss with her statement. On further investigation, Inspector K. Suresh found that the gold chain was intact. โUpon analysing the crime scene, we saw that there was forced entry. The injuries she had sustained were self-inflicted to make it look like murder for gain,โ said a police officer.
The police further verified her mobile phone to find that Rani was having an extra marital affair with a man. When they confronted her with the evidence, she allegedly confessed to murdering her husband. The police recovered the knife she used to murder her husband. The police is searching for her lover to ascertain the truth.