In a very shocking incident, a man named Jaswinder Singh (37) committed suicide along with his daughter, brother and nephew in Firozpur, Punjab. The man drove the car at a high speed and the car fell into a river. Before committing suicide, the man also made a video that he released on social media.
In the video he could be seen crying and blaming his wife for having an extra marital affair. He said that his wife left him and their kids and started living with her lover.
The people who saw the incident called the police. A rescue team recovered the bodies of the four of them after searching for hours.
According to Jaswinder’s brother, Jaswinder’s wife was having an affair with a financier. The man also rented a room in the same colony where both of them resided. Even the woman’s mother and sister supported her and started living in the same house.
Jaswinder had called the man many times asking him to leave his wife but instead he was abused by the man.
Jaswinder ‘s wife was having an affair with the financier from the past 3 years.
Before committing suicide, Jaswinder used to come live and expresss his pain, but no one really helped him in any way.
Further details of the incident are awaited.