A 27-year-old woman from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, who filed false rape cases against 4 men, is now herself facing charges of extortion and criminal intimidation, after two man registered complaint against her.
In her complaints filed against three of the men, the woman’s accusations included rape on the “pretext of marriage”, forced unnatural sex, taking her videos and photographs without consent, and threats to leak those online.
One FIR was registered in February 2016, two were lodged in March and April 2019, another two in February and October 2021, and one in March this year in Jabalpur.
Two of the accused men were arrested, while one managed to get a stay from the Supreme Court. The fourth accused got anticipatory bail from a lower court.
The woman is now being probed, after a fifth man — against whom she had filed a complaint of rape but a case was not registered — approached the Jabalpur district court for relief. He alleged that the woman was not only threatening to implicate him in a case of rape, but also asking for money.
One of the four accused men then approached the court with similar claims. After going through all the evidence, the Jabalpur district court ordered that a case under IPC sections for extortion and criminal intimidation be registered against the woman.
She has now been summoned to the court on 22 September. If she does not appear, an arrest warrant will be issued against her.
“The woman got over five cases of rape registered against different men over a period of time. The men have alleged that she was extorting money. The court has taken cognisance of the complaint and has registered a case. The court will be looking into this case,” told Jabalpur Superintendent of Police, Siddharth Bahuguna.
The woman however, dismissed the allegations as “baseless”. She said that she loved each of the men and they all “broke her trust”, and denied asking for money from any of them.