The Delhi Police has recently arrested a 29-year-old woman Monika Verma along with her boyfriend Ashish (29) who killed her mother-in-law and father in law and some shocking facts have come to light in the police investigation.
Monika said that she killed them as her in laws were obstructing her extramarital affair. Her husband, father in law and mother-in-law knew about Monicaโs love affair. So they imposed many restrictions on her. The family read Monicaโs sex chats with Ashish and after that her phone was taken away. She was then given a feature phone. Though they stopped chatting but the phone calls and meetings continued. Mother-in-law started keeping an eye on Monica. So Monika ended both with the help of Ashish.
Monica got married to Ravi in โโ2016 at the of 22. She has a son. Monika, who worked in a call center before marriage, met Ashish in August 2020. Ashish was a bodybuilder who used to work as a bouncer. The communication between the two increased and they started meeting at hotels.
Monica met Ashishโs mother as his girlfriend. But when Ashishโs mother found out last year that Monika was married and had a son, she opposed the relationship. But still the two did not separate.
One day, when Monikaโs husband Ravi read her sex chat with Ashish, the matter took a serious turn.
Monicaโs mother-in-law Veena kept a constant eye on her due to which there used to be quarrels in the house.
“It started to feel like I was in prison. My every move was being watched. They wanted to control my life. So I donโt have any remorse for my actions,” said Monika during the police investigation .
When Monicaโs family decided to sell the house and buy a new house in Dwarka, Monica got angry as according to Monica, her mother-in-law would get one and a half to two crores by selling the house.
Monika had started to conspire the murder of her husband and mother in law in December 2022. On February 20, 2023, Monica and her lover met at a hotel and planned the murder. One day when her mother-in-law had gone for shopping, Monika called Ashish home and hid him at the terrace. Thar night the whole family went to bed at half past ten. Around midnight, Ashish called Monika and told her that he was coming down and that’s when Ashish and Monika killed her husband and in laws.
Two dead bodies were found in the house at around 7 am on Monday morning. The neighbors told that there used to be constant fight between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law. Also, CCTV footage showed Ashish on his bike, on the night of murder.
Police questioned Monika based on suspicion. Police found out that Monika got two sims, out of which she used to talk only to Ashish. On further investigation and interrogation, Monica confessed to committing the murder.