Andhra Pradesh police have arrested a woman and her lover on the charges of killing the husband. The incident occured in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh on 31st October.
The woman named Anuradha got married to Damodar in 2019. Later she got into an extra marital affair with a married man.
The problem started when Anuradha gave her jewellery to her lover without the knowledge of anyone. One day her in-laws asked her about the jeweleries as they wanted to sell the ornaments in order to buy a property. She told them that the jewelleries are at her parents’ home and that she would get those after the festivities get over. Later, Anuradha hatched a plan to kill her husband so that she could eliminate him from her life and could also continue her ilicit affair.
On 31st October, Anuradha took her husband with her on the pretext of visiting her parents’ house to bring back the jewelleries. On the way, Damodar was attacked by Anuradha’s lover. He first sprinkled chili powder on him and then hit him.
As per their plan, Anuradha registered a complaint with the police that they were attacked by some unknown people on the way and snatched away all the jewelleries.
The actual matter came out when police investigated the matter deeply.
Palamaneru DSP Gangaiah said that both the accused, Gangurajan and Anuradha have been arrested and sent to the judicial custody.