In a recent divorce case from Pune, a woman has been ordered by a court to pay a sum of Rs. 50,000 permanent alimony to her husband. The couple, who got married in 2018, faced ideological differences and have been living separately for a while now.
The woman, aged 33, holds a degree of M.Tech, while her husband, aged 38, is a B.Tech graduate. The husband filed for alimony in March 2022, and the wife also filed for alimony shortly after. However, it was later revealed in court that the documents filed by the wife were fake and misleading.
The case was heard by Pune Civil Judge S. V. Phulbandhe, and the court decided that the wife should pay 50,000 rupees as permanent alimony to the husband. The court proceedings revealed that there was no truth to the wife’s claims, and her documents were found to be fraudulent.
While it is common for husbands to pay alimony to their wives, this verdict is one of those rare instance of a woman being ordered to pay alimony to her husband. The case indeed shows how important it is to maintain transparency in court proceedings and the consequences of submitting fraudulent documents.