In a very tragic incident from Newtown, West Bengal an IT employee reportedly committed suicide by jumping from the 14th floor of a multi-storey building. The victim was identified as Rajarshi Dutt, aged 34, who was a resident of Siliguri and was working with TCS.
According to police sources, Rajarshi lived in a rented flat in the Eden Court building in Newtown. Security personnel heard a loud noise early in the morning and later found Dutt lying in a pool of blood.
They immediately called the police who arrived on the scene and rushed the victim to Bidhannagar sub-hospital. Unfortunately, he was declared dead upon arrival.
It is believed that he was suffering from mental depression due to the recent loss of his father six months ago.
The police of Newtown Technocity police station is conducting a thorough investigation into the incident to determine the exact circumstances that led to this tragic event.