On June 12 last year, a Ghaziabad native approached the police with a complaint that his wife and their parents had mixed menstrual blood in their diet. The complainant also alleged that he became infected after consuming this food. Some medical reports were submitted as evidence.
The complainant was married in 2015. The couple has a son. The family lived with her husbandโs parents. But his wife constantly asked him to move out. The complainant said that when he refused to do so, he used to quarrel over even trivial matters.
As the quarrel escalated, his parents moved out of the house. This was followed by menstrual blood in the food given for dinner. The complainant also claimed that he had recorded a phone call between his wife and their mother talking about the matter. According to the complaint, the wifeโs parents and brother were behind the blood poisoning in the food and they were inciting the wife to practice witchcraft against him.
four-member medical board has been set up to probe allegations that a woman mixed menstrual blood in her diet. The medical board was formed at the request of the police in an FIR registered a year ago. The Medical Board consists of a General Physician, Gynecologist, Pathologist and Orthopedic Surgeon. The Board will examine the various medical reports presented by the complainant.
Source: LiveNewsKerela.com