The Calcutta High Court on Friday asked a couple who were separated for eight years, to try to sort out their differences and spend two days in Eco Park and then inform the court on what they think about their future.
The couple got married eight years ago. The man who is an engineer, works with the state government while his wife is an IT professional in Sector V.
The couple stayed together for three months, after which the woman started staying with her parents. But neither the wife nor the husband moved to court, seeking formal separation for seven and a half years.
Around six months ago, the wife lodged a case under the Domestic Violence Act 2005, alleging that some of her ornaments were being held back by her husband. Fearing arrest, the husband moved an anticipatory bail plea in the HC.
Justice Kausik Chanda who was looking into matter first desired to speak to the couple in person. The couple had met him in the judge’s HC chamber. When asked whether they wanted to reconcile, the husband expressed his willingness and the wife also consented to the same.
Justice Chanda told the couple that he would hear their case again after they spent two days together. Justice Chanda’s office took the initiative to find a suitable accommodation for the couple to spend time together. The Eco Park was chosen as an option. The couple then finally decided to sort out all their differences.