In a bizzare incident, a marriage in Karnataka was called off after the bride got angry and complained that the groom touched her neck while garlanding her. According to the reports, the girl was from Moodukonaje and the boy from Naravi. Their wedding was scheduled to take place on May 25, 2022, at Naravi.
As part of the Hindu wedding rituals, the bride and groom were asked to exchange garlands. When the garland was put around the brideโs neck, she suddenly removed it from around her neck and threw it away and walked out of the wedding hall. She said that the groomโs hand had touched her neck. The girl’s family tried to calm her down but in vain.
The people from groomโs side felt insulted by such a strange behaviour and called the wedding off. The angry bride then insisted that all the money spent on the wedding by her family should be returned by the groomโs family.
This led to heated arguments between the two sides and the police had to intervene. The police tried to mediate between the two parties, but the groomโs family did not give in and the wedding was cancelled. The food prepared for the wedding was distributed among local schools.
Women empowerment have reached dangerous heights. They have no respect for the would be husband or men in general. Stupid excuse. She was not interested in marrying the guy.